Education & Achievement

Unlocking Educational Opportunities
At Chariaid International, one of our focus areas is with empowering youths and vulnerable persons in Cameroon through our educational program. We are committed to making education accessible for children in rural communities by offering them scholarships and other support grants. We aim to provide opportunities that will positively impact the lives of over 1000 Cameroonian children annually and create a brighter future for them.

Primary Partnerships

Building Strong Community Partnerships
Chariaid remains committed to forming collaborations with schools in our communities. Our vision is to establish a community center where teachers from our partner schools can conduct after-school classes for children in the community. This dedicated space will be utilized for interactive and participatory sessions, such as tutoring and other education-related activities, to support the learning needs of the students in our program.


Secondary Partnerships

Investing in Continued Education
Chariaid strongly believes in the value of ongoing education, which has led us to establish a secondary school scholarship program based on a selective application process. We recognize and reward students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance, receive positive teacher recommendations, and maintain good attendance. Our secondary school scholarship program aims to equip our students with the necessary resources to pursue vocational schools, university education, or meaningful careers aligned with their passions upon completing secondary school.


Our Belief

To fight for equal rights and opportunities to overcome poverty.

Armelle Noubiga

Precious Noubiga

Neville Ebjaff